Saturday, 17 January 2015

The New Kingdom of Egypt

After the invasion of the Hyskos, into lower Egypt, Seqenenre Tao became the ruler of Thebes. He formed a large army that utilized much of the technology the Hyskos brought to Egypt in their invasion. He lead them to victory and drove the Hyskos out of Egypt but lost his life in battle. This marked the beginning of the New Kingdom of Egypt, and more focus was put upon military then ever before.
 During the old age,
Egypt had no official military, only groups of peasants and artisans turned militia lead by each regions leader that would come together under the pharaoh if needed. During the new kingdom, This changed and Egypt had a firm organization of professional soldiers, equipped with much more technologically advanced weaponry and defenses. One of the most notable pieces of ancient Egyptian technology was the war chariot. Stolen and redesigned from the Hyskos, the war chariot would be operated by two people or sometimes, on smaller models one. Generally, their would be one driver, who held the reigns steering the horse, and a fighter, most often armed with a composite bow (which was also taken from the Hyskos) and an array of throwing spears. The way that these chariots were redesigned, made them lighter, becoming faster than the chariots employed by all other major powers in the middle east. Infantry soldiers typically wielded composite bows
along with either a short sword or a Kopesh, (A sickle like sword) and wore leather and cloth armor with metal scales over top.They also employed bronze and wooden shields. Other weapons typically used by the military were Spears, Slings, Knifes and various bludgeoning tools. The Egyptians at this point would also invade distant countries by sea, having developed sophisticated warships.

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